Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gays Vs. Blacks: Because Black Gays Don't Exist?

With all the emphasis on the African-American community or as Bill O'Riley would say "Black Folk", the TV friendly alternative, since the unexpected large turn-out of "Black" voters (because I'm guessing they don't work or just flat out lazy) electing the first "Black" President, in case you haven't heard. Now with the increasing amount of protests opposing the passing California's Proposition 8 and other such so-called "Constitutional" amendments passed in other states, it seems that no one wants to fess up to actually voting it's approval (You know, like when everyone bitched about the Spice Girls back in the 90's, but yet they were the biggest selling group, so you knew someone had to be buying their shit). According to the "media", as a last minute scramble to find a scapegoat, they've quickly place the blame on none other than, and like on everything else since the beginning of slavery, those "BLACK" people. Now that the Barak Obama is moving in and gay rights are slowly being taking away "legally", it's become apparent that we all have to come to the conclusion that this was all single-handedly undermined by the "Black Community" and NOT by hypocritical right-wing bigots.

Gay columnist Dan Savage on Comedy Central's The Colbert Report speaking about the protests:

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