I don't know why I didn't post this story when it happened, maybe because I was somewhat scarred from this situation, but in no way suprised that it had happened to me. My mom and I was at the downtown Family Dollar a month ago just browsing around for stupid shit, killing time before work. About 10 minutes later this guy walks in looking like a borderline pedo, I don't know but I wouldn't let him babysit either way. But anyway, he comes walking in screaming at the clerk wondering where the Swifter wipes are located. The poor kid tells him that they are located on the back wall on the right-hand side. So he's like okay and the precedes to repeat the reply, "back wall on the right-hand side, back wall on the right-hand side..." as he is pushing the shopping cart, leaving a path of destruction caused by the cart behind him. At one end of the store, I'm already mortified, I knew that eventually I'll have a run in with him. Meanwhile my mother was at the other end of the store laughing her ass off at the stores bedroom display: (thanks for cell phone cams) So as I'm trying to make my way over to my mom, I pass the aisle that this guy is in and all I hear other than the items falling off the shelves is "Sir... Sir!..." I'm thinking that he's calling for the clerk again. I finally meet up with my mom and she was asking what the hell is going on over there and I tell her. Not even minutes later standing in front of this glorious display, in the corner of my eye I see a shopping cart creeping up like a police car creeping up behind you on a drunken night walking home (yeah, it's happened before). Anywho... I hear those words, "Sir.... Sir...". The man was actually calling for me while he was in that aisle that I had just passed. I look over (unwillingly) and asked what's up. He was like "Sir, I had a little run in with one of the shelves back there and was wondering if you see if I'm bleeding". As this guy's asking me for any sight of injury, he's pulling his pants down showing me his ass. Basically, this man was asking me if is ass was bleeding. I was just told him no without looking and said he was good. After being reassured, he continued his path of destruction, with his ass partially hanging out and the Swifters that he sought out for. Now with the day complete, mom and I parted ways and went to our jobs...
Binghamton, NY is a fascinating little town. Here's a video clip posted on YouTube about 2 years ago by someone else. Though it may be a little old, it still rings true...
A father decided it would be a great idea to record his 7 year-old son after a dentist visit. Sounds boring, but the kid is high as a mofo! So why would you do this to your kid? Because it's hilarious!
A website called "Holladaddy.com" shows conversations that had taken place on MySpace. Little do these people know, they were getting punked. Read the preface before the conversations. This shit is too fucking funny to pass up.Be sure to click on the updates, it gets better!