Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm finally breaking down to go buy food for my home. Been living off of popcorn, grilled cheeses & water everyday for the past 3 weeks.
Because smoking a cig & texting while standing on the median on SamFurrRd during rush hour is a brilliant idea! WhiteGirlProblems, SMH
Done with work, out from the kitchen to the bar, having a beer, listening to Hercules & Love Affair, Cut Copy, Daft Punk, & LCD Soundsystem.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How did I not know Vanessa Williams was the voice of Ms. Brown on the M&M's commercial?!? I'm just learning this

Sunday, May 20, 2012

30min til work, think I'll wait & watch people who aren't aware of the solar eclipse freak out in the meantime...
"Moves Like Jagger is my favorite Rolling Stones song!" - SNL
Home, having a beer or 2, watching the season finale of SNL w/ MickJagger, FooFighters, ArcadeFire & a fond farewell to KristenWiig
Done with work, walk out to the front and hear The Juan MacLean's Happy House just randomly playing. Win. Having a beer = DoubleWin!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Just witnessed some guy toss this girl's drink & she punched the mofo out! Mind is blown!!!
Whenever faced w/ some of life's tough questions I can't help but sing Oooooo Weee, What's Up With That?!? What's Up With That?!? to myself.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

To my Binghamton friends, Just imagine a southern version of yourself... That's the kind of people I deal with down here...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Thank you Glee for not destroying Meatloaf's Paradise By The Dashboard Light, incredibly impressed
Never thought I'd see the day Laidback Luke & Armand Van Helden to be just bar music people play. Even some DFA is up & playing! Nice picks!
What I love about my job, is that as soon as I clock out I don't have to leave the building to have a couple beers :) No discounts though :(

Monday, May 14, 2012

Wondering where the hell the day went already, then I remember I'm employed... Yup, off to work!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

When your uterine lining looks the elevator from The Shining... Stayfree Maxi Pads! - SNL
Home from work. My 1st taxi here in Cornelius & the driver was from Binghamton as well, what are the friggin odds?! So we laughed & agreed

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Pretty awesome to have a job where I get to work w/ some happily dysfunctional co-workers who listen to @UKF podcasts all day! Thankful :)

Friday, May 11, 2012

I'm pretty much convinced Henderson Rd here in Cornelius is haunted. Day or night, there's one part that just freaks me the eff out!
Cheer up, Binghamton! You may be an absolute shithole, but you could be Endicott and cause cancer...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Great day today, off to bed, have some employment to tend to in the morning :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Today's just been full of all sorts of complete random acts of mindblowing awesomeness!
I don't mind when people say the word "chill", its just the way some people say it makes me feel like I'm talking to a scumass
Well, as good as today was, I should have figured there would be a chance that would end up in pollen rape.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Cranial sunburn... ouch.
Orientation Wednesday and Randy Travis is now following me on Twitter, could my day get any awesomerer?! HappyPants!
Another long walk to Birkdale Village for a 2nd interview, but no complaints here!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Just walked home from Birkdale Village, all within 2hrs time. Not bad considering I had to stop at Harris Teeters to get some groceries
Hit the gym, get all sweaty, then head to Starbucks & take up space in line just to get a bottle of water... Brilliant! Seriously?!?
*boots cats boots cats boots cats boots cats* House music is a going! Playing some nasty shit! RAWR!
Guys, don't go up to a girl, try for a friendly kiss on the cheek & then stick your finger up her skirt. Find out if she's a slut first.
The band did a county version of Fight For Your Right, pulled people up on stage, made a toast to AdamYauch, then did a round of jagerbombs
If anyone talks about listening to Pitbull & JLo all day cause its CincoDeMayo, correct them & tell them all black people are related
"If you don't know this song, then you need to get out and go to a different party!" ShitTheBandSays

Saturday, May 5, 2012

"Its a microphone!" - SNL
EliManning w/ Rihanna on an all new SNL tonight or go out for a bit? Hmm... I do have a busy day tomorrow so... Choices...
On a mission to hi-jack the decks. I don't know where, but I'll find some. Been too long & I want to play some tunes, dammit! DazWuzzup!
Is it just me or does the way Fox Soccer is said in the promos sound they're cursing? FOX SOCCER!!! What did you just call me?!?!
I have formed an addiction to putting Hershey's chocolate syrup in my coffee. Bomb.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Okay, I need to get out for a bit, BeastieBoys footage is depressing the shit out of me. Let's see what Cornelius has to offer tonight
Feeling so mixed today. Can't decide if I want to go out tonight or just sit home alone, get drunk, & listen to the BeastieBoys all night..
As much as I hate karaoke, I'd be down with a BeastieBoys karaoke night if there were one going on.
FINALLY got an interview after 7 months of trying. Still waiting on a few others to call me back. FingersCrossed! I'd hate to be homeless..

Thursday, May 3, 2012

When faced with a challenge, give up, go make a sandwich only to find that despite it smelling okay, the mayo probably wasn't... FML

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Still in Davidson, heading back to Cornelius now, another 60+ mins of flat-foot hell, but hopefully by Friday I'll know if it was worth it
Dear child blowing a whistle in the park at night, WTF?!? Run around w/ a black light over your head while you're at it, StupidJerk
Pushing through the pain, I have now officially left my body, still have yet to walk back. The Olson twins are about to be a trio soon
Walking from Cornelius (W. Catawba) to Davidson (near college) & back, should be crippled in a few hours...
The best way to make coffee is remembering to put coffee in the filter... smh
When someone's so drunk, they insist on putting your bill & everyone elses on their tab, is like winning the lottery but woth more teeth

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Omg! James - Laid, Rockwell - Someone's Watching Me, Huey Lewis - Power Of Love, w/ Neverending Story
Genius live mashups! O-Town's Liquid Dreams w/ Britney's Hold It Against Me into Holiday Road (NL's Vacation) w/ Johnny Cash - Ring Of Fire
Why is John Earle awesome? A smooth transition from covering Usher's Nice&Slow to Garth Brooks' Friends In Low Places & killed Gin & Juice!
Kyle Korver looks like someone tried to clone Tom Cruise, tried...
John Earle playing @Rusty_Rudder right now, guess I'll be here for a while...
"I'll be waving my hand, watching you drown..." Our Lady Peace - Clumsy, great lakeside music!
Seems like no matter where you go, there will always be that white kid thinking he's 2Pac while driving a Honda that rattles...
Congrats to JessicaSimpson to finally giving birth to a healthy 18y/o girl, MaxwellDrew, who'll be attending college in the fall
Congrats to JessicaSimpson to finally giving birth to a healthy 18y/o boy, MaxwellDrew, who'll be attending college in the fall
Like a damn fool, I'm walking from Cornelius to BirkdaleVillage and back. Hopefully someone's hiring...
A flood warning has just been issued for LA County & surrounding areas, JessicaSimpson just checked into the hospital.