Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'll be downtown tonight, celebrating all that is awesome, and believe me, there were tons of awesome today. LikeWhoa
What ever happened to Elvis? You know, Clarissa's pet alligator that she kept in a small plastic baby pool in her bedroom.
Ooooooh, family secrets revealed! Scandalousnaciousness!!!
NoteToSelf: Don't attempt to use eye drops while in a moving vehicle... again
When the cast of JerseyShore doesn't anymore, its time to UpdateYourWardrobe
DJ Toolbag & his satchel of sheep! Look at my tan!
DJ Toolbag & his satchel of sheep! Look at my tan!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I get the point of TeenMom, but not really buying about them having it so hard when they're 3 seasons in and getting paid per episode.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Cuffd... sadly, this is our future. SMFH
Mtv's DeathValley, shit was insane!
Not sure how to feel about new NickiMinaj video
So glad McDonalds hasn't lost their knack on making tv ads that insult black peoples intelligence. When I say mango, you say pineapple

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Irene, you fucking whore...
Irene, you fucking whore...
Axe Is Forever = My shit at the moment. Deer Tick, Google it

Saturday, August 27, 2011

It's near...
It's near...
Hurrigeddon is near!
What guy comes out to the bars dressed like Jack Sparrow just because its Friday? Issues...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Reporter: "What's the first thing you need to do to prepare for a hurricane?" Resident: "The first thing is to go out & buy glowsticks."
I love peoples mentality, "Its only a Category 2, 2 isn't a big number." You're right, and a really good time to go surfing too. Dumbass
"#Hurricane preparations: Make sure your batteries are working" I didn't know it was going to be that kind of hurricane...
Listening to a promo CD by some local talent from my neck of the woods, Binghamton's Eastside! HotShit!
Don't walk around acting pretty with brows like that. Your brows have met, but your eyes haven't? Yeah, go FixYourself

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hurricane Irene is 430 miles wide! That's almost as big as your mom! OhSnap!
My mom's kitchen after the earthquake, what a mess!
ATTENTION BINGHAMTON, NY: A tsunami warning has been issued, seek shelter in the safest corner of your basement immediately!
SoulSessions on Centric, remembering Aaliyah 10 years after her death. God, I miss RealMusic!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"With this hurricane, expect lots of rain and wind" Yeah, Mr. Weatherman! Throw us some of that awesome meteorological magic! DoDat!
If everything stays according to plan, I'll be gone on the 1st. So who wants to get me drunk for the next couple days?
Damn, I'm hearing a lot sirens today. Was there another MEGAQUAKE that I'm not aware of?
That earthquake must've been something, traffic is STILL backed up on the VestalPKWY!
"It's time to play the feud!!!" MorningAwesomeness!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Yes, that's a grilled cheese I'm making. Don't question my culinary skills!
Yes, that's a grilled cheese I'm making. Don't question my culinary skills!
Wonder if Binghamton's earthquake boner has gone down yet?
Getting ready to watch Where In The Compound Is Muammar Gaddafi as soon as Square One is over.
I just had to quickly shut the TV off & hide from the windows to avoid Jehovah's Witnesses at my door. I haven't done that in years!
TakeIntoConsideration: Most of Binghamton wouldn't know the difference between an earthquake or if they're having withdrawals. Fact
Its as if people are just making this shit up. I've been sitting outside this whole time & felt nothing, didn't hear a single rattle.
That wasn't an earthquake, it was some white kid driving around w/ a "boomin" sound system that cost more than his shitty car did.
Thinking its a going to be a Reality Bites or Singles soundtrack kind of day. Possibly Empire Records as well.