Sunday, March 8, 2009

T-Shirt Wisdom's "Certified" Person Of The Month

Acea Shomaker

In Lincoln, Nebraska, 20 year-old Acea Shomaker was ticketed for misdimeanor animal cruelty charges after police, responding to a domestic disturbance call, walked in on him smoking a bong with his cat stuffed inside it. He claims it was to "mellow" the cat and he's done this several times before as a form of discipline rather than hitting or spraying water at it. Now thinking back to my bong making days, I don't think I've ever thought about placing live animals in them. What ever happened to just blowing smoke in it's face? (not that I condone that nor have nor would). And how is this discipline? Wouldn't you think that maybe the cat is becoming a fiend after a while? I have friends that are absolute cranky ass bitches if they don't have their "wacky". Another thing, umm... sanitary? How clean is the cat? and I am pretty sure it had to have pissed in it at least once. Cat was probably like "what the fuck, dude?!". Cat piss is pretty rank, can't imagine what that combo would taste like. B - ARF!

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